
Monday, September 20, 2010

Rut 3 - Robert George

"My thoughts on Ping Pong" by Rob G iii

My initial reaction to Ping Pong was "Oh hell, is this really subtitled?" I guess that reading is part of the joy in the journey when it comes to foreign films, and boy, this sure was the most righteous journey of self discovery, self loathing, self fulfillment, and self actualization that I've been on in a long time.

I appreciated the quirkiness of the movie, there was kind of a "cheesball/unashamedness" to the film. Peco was the star of this film for me; his hair cut, brashness, confidence, and superb table tennis skills put him in a league of his own.

I liked how they didn't show how the final match between Peco and Smile ended. I think that if this happened in American film the audience would be crying for blood and a refund.

If I were to change anything it would be to cast Peco as a dog, a dog that is really really good at table tennis. Preferably a golden retriever, but I don't think they have golden retrievers in Japan, so it wouldn't be believable. ...........I just made myself laugh for a long time there, I think it is time for bed


  1. Thanks for making my day with your post. I have spent countless nights staying up thinking of all the different air bud movies that need to be made still. One of my personal favorites would be air bud skateboarder. I never thought of ping pong. haha

  2. Dude they should cast all the characters as animals and then dub over voices and call it homeward bound Japan. Dogs rule cats drool.

  3. Ah, homeward bound! "Chance, Sassy... lets go home."

  4. Yea leaving out the final match between Peco and Smile was interesting.
