Have you ever wanted a Jackalope? Were you aware of the existence of Jackalopes? What is the gestation period of the North American Jackalope? These are all very important questions that each one of us will have to ask ourselves - there is a time and a season for everything. Anywho, do you want to buy a stuffed and mounted Jackalope? The reason I bring up Jackalopes is in my house growing up I had a Jackalope on my wall, AND LOOK HOW I TURNED OUT!! Please support your local Jackalope Taxidermist.
I remember talking about jackalopes in my Biology class. And there were definitely people who believed that they existed.
ReplyDeleteI remember seeing videos of Jackalopes. I think they were on America's funniest Home videos. We watched it every Sunday night as kids.
ReplyDeletethis is the saddest thing i've ever seen