
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Finding #3: Emily Jacobsen: Upcycled Magazine Bags

I was so excited to find these online the other day and you'd better believe I'm going to buy one! These are purses/bags/totes/wallets/clutches made out of magazine ad pages. The pages are laminated and sewn together to be "upcycled" as bags that sell from $60-$150!! I'm just assuming, but I bet their cost of goods sold is probably near $10 (labor included), what a booming business idea! I think these are creative because it is almost ironic, we are a media obsessed people and when we wear brands we are wearing advertising.. so why not just wear the ads themselves?


  1. these remind me of the capri sun bags! i've also seen jewelry and other things made from little coils of rolled up newspaper.

  2. That's a really fun way to take the capri sun bag idea further. I really enjoy that.

  3. I'm not a girl and I don't like purses but those are pretty cool.

  4. This is a brilliant business idea! Is it legal to show another brand's logo on the bag like the Giorgio Armani? I could see how people would assume this is an actual Armani bag.
