
Saturday, September 18, 2010

rut #3 kristen scharf


I've never seen such a wimpy sport depicted so fierce and emotional. okay, ping pong is not a wimpy sport, but it's not taken seriously in our culture.
Foreign films are awesome because the style is different and you never know what to expect. It's nice to spice things up.
Sometimes I get sick of watching American romantic comedies or sports movies that all have essentially the same plot line. Ping Pong was awesome because I didn't know what to expect. It had the feeling of a student made film, and the characters said the most RANDOM stuff which made it so entertaining.
Peco was hilarious, I loved how he made fun of the chinese guy, calling him a panda. And he kept saying "thank you" in chinese and totally pronounced it wrong.
At first I was sad that Smile lost the last match, *spoiler alert* but then I remembered it wasn't what he wanted. He said it was just something to pass the time, and Peco said he wanted to be the world's best table tennis player.
I need to visit the IC more often so I can find more gems like this.

best quote -"some black people can't dance"


  1. "And some German's don't like drinking beer."

  2. I loved the humor in this movie.

    BORN "say in the U.S.A." (:

  3. Ditto to what Marie said. And the first line of this post. Haha

  4. Not true. All black people can dance. I am POSITIVE I saw this B-boy doing the "Carlton Banks" at a dance the other day. Yes, the dance was filled with white people, and yes, the B-boy was the by far the best one there.
