
Monday, September 5, 2011

Shooting Range

So I went to a shooting range with my husband today...I have shot an old gun before during a pioneer trek in Texas but I have always wanted to shoot bigger guns. The only things that have stopped me before are money and the fear of getting hurt because of the recoil when shooting a gun.

So we went to Get Some Shooting Range in Orem and it was Awesome!! I shot a gun that had a .50 caliber bullet (the bullet is half as long as my face). It was the kind of gun where you have to lay on the ground to use it.. I almost backed out of taking the shot because I was afraid that it would hurt but I went through with it and I am glad that I did. I was two inches off of the bulls eye so that was awesome.

The next gun we used was an automatic Uzi and that gun was sick....My first shot was dead on  the bulls eye in the middle of the chest. But after I took that shot my arms started to get tired so the rest of my shots were pretty off.

This experience was by far a great adrenaline rush and I wouldn't mind going back a few more times.


  1. That's sweet! I've never shot an Uzi before, but it sounds awesome. Maybe I'll have to give it a try sometime...

  2. Michelle, I've never shot anything over a 22 rifle I think. Props on taking care of that uzi gun. I'm sure its in your blood being from Texas.

  3. I never really have been shooting either but I have heard it is a blast. I may have to get some friends together that know a little about what they are doing and try it out

  4. Where is Get Some and how much does it cost? That sounds like a blast! I've shot guns plenty of times before, but I want to give that .50 caliber a try.

  5. Man, that sounds like a lot of fun. I remember when I went shooting and it helps you see why these guys with big guns in the movies are always missing! Nice post.
