
Monday, September 26, 2011

Rut #4 - Peruvian Food

I am anything but a picky eater. I eat almost anything and like almost anything too. So I wanted to get something out of my comfort zone. I went to Las Tinajas, a Peruvian restaurant on 300 South in Provo, and ordered a seafood dish called Arroz Con Mariscos. I have no idea what that means, but it was a type of fried rice with a seafood mix stirred into it. There were all sorts of interesting looking things in that rice. I just told myself to not question it, and just eat it. There were some tentacle looking things, some possible crab legs, and something that was extremely chewy. It was a very different experience for me, but it all tasted really good. I think I'd feel comfortable ordering just about anything now. That is, after I give those cow tongue tacos a try that James had.


  1. Tentacles? Yikes! This meal sounds questionable but good for you for just doing it! I am not sure if I could venture this far into interesting foreign food!

  2. Wow, I think the "not knowing" factor makes eating food a little bit nastier than it needs to be.

  3. haha! i served my mission in Chile and i am pretty sure that was what i was given on maybe my fifth day there...I also, had no idea what ANY of it was. I still dont know. but I survived and it did taste pretty good.

  4. Agreed with James. Anytime you eat something and you don't know what it is, your mind starts making crazy assumptions and you make yourself sick. Well done.
