
Monday, September 5, 2011

Holding a Snake

Even though it is after noon, I want to make sure and post my experience for this get of your rut exercise. One kind of animal that I have always been deathly afraid of are snakes. It's embarrassing really. To be mowing the back yard and then let out a high pitched well when I see  garden snake slither by. As I thought about things I had never done (and possibly would never want to do), an experience with snakes seemed pretty evident.

So I went to the pet store this morning to hold the largest snake I could. Unfortunately, I went to the wrong store. The only snakes I found were a little bigger than the garden snakes in my back yard. I asked to hold a ball python. The think stopped moving once it was in my hands, which was a surprise to me. I was really surprised by the texture of it's body too. I ended up leaving the store pretty content that I had faced a small fear, but now I hope to go to another pet store to hold an even bigger snake!


  1. That reminds me of the time when I killed two snaked in my life.

    One time on my mission in Mexico when it was trying to get into our house.

    And another at my parents house in Draper that was right by the entrance.

    Both times I chopped there heads off because it seemed like the thing to do.

    Anyway, cool story. I don't really ever want to hold snakes.

  2. No thanks for snakes. There are a lot of things that I haven't done in this life. Holding a snake is one of them, but I don't see myself doing yet.
