
Monday, September 12, 2011

Middle of the World- Greg Lloyd

I actually quite enjoyed the movie as it illustrated a lot of very important themes that can present themselves in each of our lives. I wanted most to focus on Antonio's journey to becoming a man. Although some may not have been as glamorous or as exciting as we, or more importantly he, was wanting, he passed through milestones or rites of passage on his journey. Most of his journey is guided not by an actual desire to become a man, but by his rebellion. I also found it interesting that the family left with the goal of finding a job that would support them all, but somewhere, the journey became the goal and the father was never quite satisfied with where he was. I put Antonio alone in my poster because I think that only for a brief moment at the beginning of the film, did he have the same goal as his father. He quickly embarked on his own journey as he was the only one who was able to 'escape' his father's insatiable desire to never settle. 


  1. I think the angle of Antonio becoming a man was a good way to depict the film and I like how you used it as the focus of your poster.

  2. I like how the questioned you put in follow not only the path on the poster but the path of life he actually took them in.

  3. The copy did it for me. I love the use of the questions. Brilliant.

  4. Great photoshop job. I'm very impressed. It's a beautiful scene, and makes you want to know more about the terrain of the movie, where it was filmed, etc...
