
Saturday, February 22, 2014

UTA Bus Trip- Tom Blackham

I've gone on several trips on the Buses here in Utah. My family lives in Sandy, so up until I got a car this summer and wanted to visit them I would jump on the bus and head home. Sometimes I would bring with me dirty laundry or else food from home, but no one else on the bus ever thought anything of it. I thought that my past experience traveling by bus would make it hard for me to find a way to get out of my comfort zone. But I found a way.

With the introduction of Frontrunner in Provo, all the bus routes were changed drastically. So I literally didn't know what bus to take to get where I wanted to go. So I decided to just pick a sign and stand by it. I was surprised that I didn't have to wait for the bus long before it showed up. (I hadn't checked the schedule before going out) When I got on, I grabbed a transfer slip, intending to go bus hopping for most of the morning. I thought to run as many routes as I could to the end of the line before transferring to another bus on until my transfer slip expired, and then by a ticket to find a way  back home.

That didn't end up happening, because the routes were longer than I remembered them being and I ended up only take two routes, but I did get to see cool alpacas farms, orchards, UVU student housing American Fork shopping mall, and two frontrunner stops. Oh, and did anyone know that there is UVU West?? I didn't either until my first bus stopped there.

On my way home I decided to strike up a conversation with a stranger on the bus to push me further beyond my comfort zone. She was a UVU student from Spanish Fork who was studying English with the intention to work with advertisements...pretty ironic, right? I guess she's thinking of being a copy editor or something, she was kind of iffy about everything because UVU doesn't really have and advertising program so she wasn't familiar with what specifically she wanted to do. However, that was an interesting coincidence that made for a good icebreaker.

When I finally did get home, I think I was more thankful than ever for my car because a trip that would have taken me a mere 15 to 20 minutes in the car ended up being over an hour long with all the stops. But it was a great experience, though!


  1. Dang man you did the most with this assignment haha. Kudos

  2. I love that you struck up a conversation with a stranger and I love that she was willing to talk to you! Nothing is worse than a long journey in an uncomfortable silence and meeting new people is always great.
