
Monday, February 10, 2014


I am not a very musical person, at all. I can't sing to save my life, nor can I play anything besides the piano and poorly at that.
With that being said, my creativity for this song was going crazy and then it all stopped when I realized I had no tune for the words i was writing...Which then defeats the purpose of writing a song right? So I ended up with a song that I don't really know how it came about. In my head it's some rad swedish house music with a bunch of american cliches and random words. In real life, it's just a bunch of words that don't make any sense without the beat. I think it'd be great to have a song with just random American cliches in there. Id totally dance to it. Such cliches and words include:
An apple a day (beat beat beat) keeps the doctor away (beat beat beat) --Yeah that one is a good head bopper.
Mother knows best
Time flies

This is a very solid song in my head. On paper, it's exponentially less cool.


  1. Don't be so harsh on yourself. You have a good idea for a song. But if you think your song is lame, or going to be lame, it will be lame. There are a lot of songs out there with awful lyrics but they're still popular because they stick in your head. It's okay to have some "random" lyrics. A chorus will do the job of tying it all together and giving the song some unity. Finish the song.

  2. I think your song turned out very cleaver. You could definitely see your sense of humor through the words which I love.

  3. love the idea of using American cliches. like Katie said, it's very clever and would be so funny.

  4. This is so clever!! I like how short this is and I could totally see this working so well! Good job!

  5. You definitely could've gone a little further with it!! I enjoyed this and I think you could expand it a little more. :)
