
Monday, February 24, 2014

finding: The Birth of a Tool

The Birth of a Tool. Part 1. Axe Making

^click on the link to watch the video.

I love documentaries, so when I first saw this short one, I fell in love. What I most love is how it shows the beauty in something that many, myself included, may overlook. I now have a newfound appreciation for axes and especially those who take the time to craft them so meticulously. Not only is the film aesthetically pleasing, but it is also depicts the beauty of all of God's creations. It really reminds me of how grateful I am for all that He has given us.


  1. I also adore documentaries. Documentaries on mainly marine wildlife and then I'm a fan of a good Michael Moore now and then. But I love how these are different kinds of artists that bring something they are passionate about to life and then make me passionate about it.

  2. That was really great. I love documentaries and getting a glimpse of other peoples lives and issues that I may not necessarily be aware of. I love that this was done on axes. It was super interesting. Good find Lucy!

  3. Your title made me think of a different kind of tool. Like, the Provo Bro type of tool haha glad I was wrong. This was much more interesting!

  4. I love this little video. We live in a world where things are built for the moment and not to last. When we create a pice of art whether it be an ax, ad, or painting we should be striving to create something that has lasting effect.
