
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bus ridin ridin on a bus

I got on the bus near the Marriott Center @ BYU and just thought I'd try to make it to University Mall in Orem. I asked the first bus driver and he turned me away saying I had to have an exact $2.50 but I just had $2.10. I got off and waited for the next bus and waddaya know!! He let me on for free (I'm not publicly endorsing this type of behavior)! I took my backpack off and sat next to a nice girl. She got off about a minute later and a nice woman came from the back of the bus to sit in the seat across from me. I could tell she was planning on saying something to me because for some reason I could see her looking over in the corner of my eye. I turned toward her and she asked, "you going to the basketball game tonight?" I answered that I was actually planning on it. We talked for a moment and I found out a little about her and her a little about me. She was Polynesian from Tonga with a pretty thick accent. Really nice woman! Anyway, I had a great experience and was honestly just on the bus for about 13 minutes. ALL PEOPLE ON BUSES ARE NICE. Well at least that's what I think now. So let's do it again.


  1. Hahahah. This was funny. Love the bus drivers that let you get on for free. Come onnnn can't they see we're starving college students striving to get somewhere??

  2. I think that's awesome that you struck up a conversation with a stranger on your trip. I did that too, and I was surprised at how much we had in common.
