
Friday, February 21, 2014

Rut Assignment #7: Road Trip! written thoughtfully by Cami

      I hate buses. Maybe I am still scarred from that time when I was stuck on a hot, anti air conditioning bus in Mexico City sitting next to a kid with the stomach flu. Or perhaps it just reminds me of my awkward middle-school days spend waiting for the stupid school bus that (for reasons still unknown) left anywhere between 30 seconds and 2 hours after school ended. Whatever the reason, my feelings have not changed.
      I took the bus to visit my friend in Orem this week! It was a short drive, but I did it. I didn't sit next to anyone with the flu, and I didn't have to wait for more than 5 minutes for the bus to arrive. yay. I guess that all I really learned from this experience is that not a lot of people ride the bus early in the afternoon! I was also surprised with how many different lines their were to take. It was easy and accessible, so I guess if everything goes downhill, my car dies, and my friends refuse to give me rides, I will still be mobile!

Oh, I didn't take any pictures, but nobody will read this is there is no picture so.. here is a cool outdoor ad on a bus in Copenhagen! I found it on the inter-webs.


  1. Your picture goes perfectly with your feelings for busses

  2. I feel ya Cami, my bus experiences have not been the best either.

  3. Preach. The picture is great too. Busses do freak me out though.

  4. You once had to sit next to someone with the flu???? I honestly cant think of anything worse. It is nice to know that the bus is always there for me if I ever get in a bind.

  5. way to face your bad experiences in the face. the UTA definitely is the most mild of public transit systems
