
Monday, January 28, 2013

Rut 3: Las Acacias - Mckay Robertson

so before i watched this show and i was very interested to see what i would think of it.  i like movies that make me think and i like independent films so i was excited to see how this one turned out.  despite the fact that i dont speak spanish and i almost fell asleep a couple times (spanish is such a soothing language!) i really enjoyed the film.  i noticed a few people complained about how they could have made this film 15 minutes long and said the same thing and i disagree with that.  first of all, i think everyone can agree that the ending makes the movie what it is.  i loved seeing the guy finally come out of his shell and show some emotion, but i think the reason i loved it so much is because for so long he frustrated me with his lack of emotion.  i loved seeing him change an begin to care for the mother and child he was driving.  i started measuring his level of interest by how he treated them and their luggage getting in and out of the truck.  at first he didnt even move out of his seat to help them, but gradually he started opening the door, carrying the luggage, holding the baby, etc...  those subtle little touches leading up to the ultimate climax was what really got me going during this show. 


  1. I thought it was a great movie. And your poster is really nice.

  2. I really like the collage thing you did.

  3. The collage of images works really well. It's laid out in a aesthetically pleasing way.

  4. your poster looks awesome! I like the combination of all the different photos, it gives a good general idea of what the movie is all about.

  5. I like the images you choose to use on the poster, it looks great!

  6. I really like the top right photo of the tree. Looks great and all the images together really are intriguing.

  7. Nicely done! One of my favorites I've seen. Good, clean, and layed out well.

  8. This is one of my favorites, it works great.

  9. I think this is one of the best I've seen. Good job!
