
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Rut #2- Darby Miller

For my Rut #2 I had a hard time thinking of something so I kinda just did something that sort of came up! I was walking next to this guy and I hadn't seen him in years. He is kinda cute so I wanted to know if he had gotten married while I was gone (it is sickening how many people have!) but his hands were in his pockets.

You know how it is always awkward after talking to someone you think is cute for about 10 minutes before you realize that they are married. You have to re-play everything you said and how you said it to see if you were too obvious or if it could be played off as just friendly conversation. Then you feel kinda embarrassed. Does anyone know what I am talking about?

Anyway, so I am kinda waiting to get a glimpse of his finger but he is just keeping his hands snug in there. Then I thought of this assignment and I thought to myself to just grab his hand and pull it out of his coat pocket and look. I have never been super forward with guys, I always like to play it when this crossed my mind I was pretty nervous.

But I got over my fear and just went for it, I took hold of his wrist and pulled out his hand from his pocket and just asked flat out, "So, you get married while I was away?" His bare ring finger was in front of my face and he just chuckled and said, "Did you just ring check me?!"

I thought it might be something that would scare him off, that is what my logic would say, but it turns out...he asked for my number and now we have a date!


  1. Haha—that was a nice turn of events in the end. It's cool that you acted on your impulse. This class is teaching me that it's fun to be daring and to challenge your expectations of yourself.

  2. Go Darby!!! Giving boys hints you want to go on a date is always scary, but that's awesome you went for it.

  3. Wow, way to be bold! I don't know if I'd have the guts for that.

  4. hahaha that was bold, but i think its cool you did it and it turned out you got what you wanted so good for you.

  5. Hahaha, the worst is when someone married flirts with you back, you acknowledge their state, and they keep going! What the heck!?
