
Monday, January 14, 2013

Find It #2 - Austen Allred

This ad is brilliant.

It not only takes you into the first perspective of a professional athlete - something that I've never really seen before, but takes you off the field as well and looks at how the rest of the life of a professional athlete must change.

It gets you to want to be a professional athlete, and associates the brand with that feeling all throughout.

Fair warning: There is a section that is "pushing it" for BYU modesty standards.


  1. Personally I like soccer, but Nike could have told this story in 60 seconds. I also see Swedish Zlatan Ibrahimovic (currently playing for Paris Saint-Germain) is in the video which makes me a little bit proud.

  2. Jacqueline - They did have a shorter version, but I like the longer version more.
    Also, PSG is the best French team, and Ibrahimovic the best French player post-Zidane.

  3. I thought this was a great idea. It was quite a long ad though, did nike broadcast this during world cup or something? I'm trying to think of a time that someone could successfully broadcast a 3 minute commercial.

  4. I feel like this commercial would really resonate with athletes. It touches on the fact that most of what an athlete experiences is hard work, training. I appreciated it for that.
