
Monday, January 28, 2013

Rut #3-Darby Miller

Las Acacias was an interesting and actually amazing film. After 10 minutes I was thinking, "If they keep driving for 10 more minutes without saying something I am leaving!" But then after 10 minutes I was so sucked in by the fact that the movie could indeed be just driving I had to stay to see if anything actually happened! When he finally asked her out I cheered and clapped I was so happy! It is amazing how a seemingly boring film with the simple twist of a guy asking a girl out can be a masterpiece of an ending and then I can go watch an epic movie that has a complex ending and not be nearly as satisfied as I was when this guy got the courage to ask the women out! haha! Hopefully that made sense.


  1. Interesting poster. It has more of a western theme to me than anything else though. It might be the brown colors.

  2. I agree that the poster gives it a western feel. I really like the juxtaposition of the man and the truck.

  3. I like the idea of the map in the back.

  4. Nice job on photoshopping. It looks really good!
