
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Rut #1- Kim Pratt

I know that this post is long overdue, but due to technical difficulties this is the best I could do! For this exercise I went to the MOA to see the new "We Could Be Heroes" exhibit. One of the things that struck me most as creative in the exhibit was the fantastic modern artwork. I loved Dulce Carmen Pinzon Barbosa’s work that he did of the two superheroes doing everyday jobs. In his artwork he had one picture of Spiderman cleaning the windows of a skyscraper. It was ingenious of him to have spiderman (the superhero that climbs tall buildings) as the superhero on the building. The other piece that he did was of The Thing using a jackhammer; again, this is what he is famous for being able to do on his own.
It was so creative of him to have the superheroes dressed up in what are obviously costumes, doing manual labor. To me this made the concept of “everyone can be a hero” come to life. There are people who do both of these jobs in their daily life. Even though they may feel that they aren’t doing anything to be something special like a superhero, this depicts otherwise. We don’t always have to be doing something huge to be a modern day, real-life hero. I think that the author came up with this idea when thinking about everyday heroes that sometimes go unnoticed. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh yea! I forgot about those ones! I love these ones for the exact reason you gave, the "everyday unnoticed heroes."
