
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Rut - Harper Anderson

So, this was an interesting one. I don't have a picture, because I didn't know where I would find the opportunity when the time wouldn't be awkward. Anyway, so there happens to be a bus stop right outside my house, and I got on and went to the provo library. I didn't actually go in the library, but I got off at that stop.

The ride was pretty uneventful, and I must have gone at a bad time because there were only two other people on the bus, and two other people got on while I was on. Nobody really made eye contact, and the bus driver didn't really acknowledge me when I said thank you. Not surprising, and I'm not sure why, but for some reason I wouldn't really expect a bus driver to acknowledge me. Their job must suck.

Anyway that was it. It was good. I feel un-rutted. Thank you Cutri.


  1. I definitely had a similarly uneventful bus ride.

  2. Sounds like you need to ride the bus for a week NOW! hahah
