
Monday, October 3, 2011

How to-Cassie MacLennan

Ok so I know all of you are going to hate me after I tell you this 
but my sweet husband is a booter.  I know I know everyone hates him!
Here is the thing, I don't know how his job still exists because you think people would learn. 
I ride around with him sometimes in the boot car and I am amazed when people so blatantly ignore the rules set by the property (not the booters) and then complain that they should not have gotten booted.
I, also as a fellow student sometimes feel really bad when he boots  nice people, so for my how to, I did a How not to get booted in Provo.

So on Saturday during the day, my husband rode around and I went with him, with my cause, ready to  educate Provo.  May I also mention that this job is commission only and my husband let me do this-see booters are good people still! Anyways some I put on peoples car's when they had already been booted, next to the paper telling them they have been booted, so they can avoid it next time.  And then on two VERY LUCKY cars who were parked without permits and should have gotten booted, I put my posters on their window and my hubby did not boot them!



I think people need to think twice about where they are parking, and not just think they are the exception to the rule.  If you park in the wrong place, you will get booted and vice versa.  
So hopefully I changed some lives by my posters, also decreasing our income in the process haha.

ps-be nice to booters, it's just a job!


  1. Dang, I wish I could have been one of those lucky cars. I just didn't realize it was an apartment complex in my rush and left my car while I headed to SLC. Nice flier, I'm sure people will appreciate it.

  2. I'm actually a big fan of booters (of course, I've never been booted) but there is nothing worse than trying to park in your own parking lot and not being able to find a spot.

  3. It's not just a job, it's satan's job. Ok, kidding, sorta....But it was very nice of you to be informative, and also give two lucky cars a nice break.

    I will tell you though, the thing I hate the most is when they wait until a minute past the limit, and boot the car right away. I think that's pretty low.

  4. It was nice of you to leave these signs for people...and these signs are pretty informative and a great reminder. I feel that people are often are in such a hurry that they forget to read parking signs or just miss them completely. This helped me remember to thanks.
