
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Kon Tiki - Greg Taylor

When I quickly previewed the movie before really watching it I expected some low budget composition of Johnny Lingo and South Pacific! However, the film was full of good surprises. I thought the cinematography was beautiful. I could tell there was a real artist behind the camera. They took time to add detail to shots that could have easily been buried in the story.

A shot that stood out to me was of Thor's Eye in the beginning of the movie and later at the end. When I made the poster I wanted to capture his vision of advancing science, succeeding in his adventure, and bringing hope to his family.


  1. Cool poster!! I definitely bought a poster board to color on... haha I agree with you on the cinematography, it was really well done!

  2. The eye.. so pretty! Good work.

  3. Wow, I love the blue in your poster. That's cool that the eye 'theme' stuck out to you, I brushed over it until I read your post. Very beautiful poster that compliments the colors of the film. I think you also did a really good job capturing tension in your design.

  4. The approach with the eye on the poster was unique. I thought that Thor's blue eyes were very striking throughout the movie

  5. There's somethings I haven't seen before. Good job. I had to look at this poster because it was "looking" at me.
