
Monday, February 17, 2014

The World is Changing Art. Kirsten Hansen

The idea behind my project was just to use something in my house and make something cool with it. I was thinking first I wanted to go super abstract and splatter paint an old hair dryer of mine, but then I found this fantastic little fork in the back of the silverware drawer. No idea how long it had been there, but I decided I wanted to paint it because why not paint a fork, right?
So I grabbed some paint from my drawer and found myself painting the fork colors that matched the decorations in my house. Guess I like what I like? Anyways, I decided to go solid black with a party prong. Had a used a canvas for this project I would have probably painted the whole thing solid black with a turquoise stripe down the third line. I just wanted to use a fork as my medium instead. I am so happy with how it turned out. I actually have plans to mount it in an empty shadow box we have in our kitchen to make some interesting conversation piece in the kitchen. 
I felt really great painting. I wasn't painting an interesting subject, but I was painting an interesting object and I really enjoyed being out of the norm of painting on a canvas. I mean I did just randomly find myself drawn to going simple with painting when I could have made a very intricate design or some sort of landscape, but I love simplicity and black. 
So there it is. 
Kirsten paints forks black. If you find yourself missing one, sorry, I'm kind of hooked now.


  1. I think my favorite part was when you called it a 'party prong'.

  2. I love the look of this fork. It's interesting how we can look at a fork in such a different way when it's no longer silver...

  3. The party prong brings a whole new meaning to this utensil! Nice Job!

  4. The fork itself is intriguing, but the background it's on in the picture really complements it. I'm not sure why I like it, but I like it.
