
Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Queen of Picky Eaters Explores- Kirsten Hansen

I'm just going to say that I really am one of the pickiest eaters you'll ever meet. Especially for a twenty year old girl. It's kind of a problem. I hate any sort of condiment: ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, relish. You name it, I probably cringe at the thought of it. I find that sometimes I short myself on a lot of potentially great things to eat because I am so picky, but hey, food is scary. Like really scary. There's nothing worse than biting into something for the first time and realizing it's completely disgusting and then having that nasty taste in your mouth. Example: Brussels Sprouts. One word: Ew.
Side note: I took a buzzfeed quiz that told me my "real eating age" and I got the child one...So there's that.
ANYWAYS. This assignment was great because I hopped on over to this place that has something called pho in Orem with my roommate and I decided to try pho. Like straight real pho. Tried it. Liked it. Woah.
It was actually way good! For anyone who doesn't know what it is (because I didn't) it's noodles in like a broth and it's kind of a soupy thing. It's kind of wonderful. So hey, I like Vietnamese pho now! Granted, I'm sure to all world travelers and culinary experts pho is nothing, but it was out of my comfort zone and I really liked it! So ten points to Kirsten for not dying over a new food she had to try and ten points to this assignment for getting me to try a new food and like it!


  1. I'm shocked you hate condiments if your 'real eating age' is a child. My siblings, as children, would eat ketchup and mayo straight. I feel like it was growing up that got people away from condiments.
    Congratulations on expanding your palette!

  2. Kirsten! So glad you were able to try something new. I really think you got a ton out of this assignment. Also, pho is amazing so good choice.

  3. I've really been wanting to try pho, too! This basically has me convinced that it will be delicious.

  4. I love pho. So much. You could've just stayed within your own culture of foods but instead you tried to branch out with other native foods! Which is so fun! You learn a lot about a culture by its food ;)
