
Monday, February 3, 2014

Chicken and Waffles

Over Christmas break I was talking to my 11-year-old brother about what our ideal meals would be.  He told me his was a waffle with a bacon and cheese omelette on top of it with more bacon, syrup and whipped cream on top of that.  After he told me I came to the conclusion that 11-year-old boys are strange because nothing could sound worse than mixing sweet like a waffle and syrup with something as hearty as eggs.

Fast-forward to present day.  It’s Friday and I am sitting at Station 22 with my friends browsing the menu wondering what they have that I have never tried before.  Then I find it, chicken and waffles.  Reading the description I have a flash back to my conversation with my little brother.  The description read “Our famous fried chicken served on a sugar waffle, topped with candied bacon, maple-walnut butter and fried sage.”  Now I was thinking not only are 11 year olds strange but also so are Southerners. Like could that be a more random combination? 
Long story short I ended up ordering the chicken and waffles and I really liked it! I learned that maybe 11-year-olds and southerners aren’t so strange after all.  The dish kind of tasted like caramelized bread with chicken, which wasn’t my favorite, but I wouldn’t be opposed to ordering it again.  I am glad I got out of my comfort zone and tried a new food.  


  1. I think I've been to that same place once when I was being recruited for summer sales. Is it near the town center in Provo? I thought it was pretty good, too. A little weird to wrap my mind around, but good though.

  2. So glad we got to share this new experience together!
