
Monday, March 4, 2013

Quin Public TranZport

I forgot about this until a few hours ago so I ran out to a bus stop and got on the bus. I rode around Provo for a while and it blew my mind seeing Provo from the inside of a bus. Normally I am used to seeing big cities from the inside of public transportation, not Provo. Public transportation is super practical. I should use it more instead of driving around my F450 Diesel truck with a lift kit that sprays out black smoke and contributes heavily to the inversion layer here in the valley. ...Just kidding, I don't drive a truck. Anyway, riding around got me in a cool mood that ends right here typing this blog post and listening to Motzart with my two plants. Mozart is suppose to help plants grow better.


  1. I think talking is supposed to help plants grow more since you're expelling carbon dioxide when you exhale which they can use to create sugar.

  2. You and Stephen write wacky posts, man. Plus, apparently, you're both pathological liars.
