
Monday, January 25, 2016

Alex Rut #2 - Hot Yoga

My First Hot Yoga experience went a little something like this (minus my 2 best friends being there and me being there with my wife).
To make a long back-story short - I've recently been under a lot of pressure and stress with school, my job, and some family situations.  With a quick visit from my Doctor last week my Doctor told me that I risked getting an ulcer if I didn't take better care of managing my stress, so she suggested doing "stress-relieving" activities to help manage my stress levels.  My wife was all on board for this because she's been trying to get me go to do yoga with her for a while now and needless to say, I've been VERY reluctant to do it.

I have to say that it was a lot better than what I was expecting!  I wouldn't recommend it to everyone just because it does take a special type of person to work out in a room that is like 100 degrees.  All I can say from doing this experience is that I've branched out of my comfort zone and now I can comfortably say that I love doing yoga! It's so uplifting and relaxing and just frees the mind from all stress and worries for that moment that you're doing it.  I do have to say that listening to the same Enya song on a loop for like an hour and a half was pretty aggravating (Variety please!) but all in all the class was super interesting.  I never knew that meditating - actual meditating would be something like I like to do!  From doing this activity me and my wife decided to clear out some space in our living room once or twice a week so we can turn on some relaxing music and do yoga in the comfort of our own home (because the gym memberships are way expensive).  I've only been doing yoga for a couple of days now, but I can honestly tell a difference in my stress levels because I don't get stressed out nearly as much as I did before I went to yoga!  If you're curious and willing to try it, I would definitely suggest going to the REC center and giving it a try!


  1. Yoga is something I also wouldn't do, not necessarily out of fear, but more out of aversion to it's stigma. So your experience gives me hope that one day I may in fact do some yoga, if the opportunity ever comes.

  2. I remember doing yog with my sister for about a week, It was way harder than it looks and I think its a very different way to exercise. What I liked about it was it was a calm active where as most other things are very distracting.

  3. As a person who suffers from anxiety on a daily basis I would recommend just regular yoga for reducing stress. I feel like you are more focused on your breath and body in regular yoga rather than hot yoga where you are distracted by how sweaty you are.

  4. This is so great. Yoga honestly changes lives. If you're under stress or feeling anxious, it's really one of the best things you can do.
