
Monday, February 8, 2016

Something new-Emma Reece

So over the weekend I decided to take the plunge and try the very popular and very hip superfood Kale. I have heard legends of how this bushel of designer lettuce will change your life and make you a super human. So I looked up a recipe online for beginner kale eaters and found a kale and artichoke cheesy dip. I had to look up how to best prepare kale and apparently you have to blanch it and can't just eat it raw. So I boiled some water and tossed the whole bushel in the pot. The smell of the kale when it was cooking was very potent. It reminded me a little of cabbage in how it smelled. After you blanch it you are suppose to give it a little designer ice bath. So I tossed that in there and when it cooled I drained it, threw it in with the assorted cheeses, stirred it and threw it in the oven with a bread bowl. Then after it cooked it was the moment of truth. I pulled out my kale artichoke dip and ate it on a potato chip. It surprised me how strong the flavor was even with all the other ingredients present in the dip. It was bitter and tasted a little like brussel sprouts. I actually liked kale but I don't think I will put it in every meal.


  1. Yeah I know what you mean by taking risks on foods. If you do grab another sandwich from that department get the barbecue chicken sandwich.

  2. You win some, you lose some. Apparently this applies to food tasting as well. I'm sorry for your loss.

  3. Ranch is the worst salad dressing out there. It's such a cousin thing to eat. The grossest. Sorry this sucked.. better luck next time?

  4. I feel like kale is the black licorice of the vegetable world. Really, it's only for those people who think spinach isn't bitter enough.
