
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Get Out of Your Rut #3—James Taylor

Well, I decided to take the Harper challenge...and then some. I'll explain with the pictures below.

On the right is the "Head" taco. It was kind of like shredded beef without the barbecue sauce. I thought it was pretty good.

On the bottom left is the "Tongue" taco. This one was kinda spongey, but not at the same time. This was the main one that started to gross me out once a bigger piece of it fell out of the taco and I saw what it looked like...a part of a tongue.

On the top left is the "Stomach" taco. And you know, I don't know what they feed these cows (at least I hope they were) but the stomach tasted pretty good. It was kind of like a meat with fat flavor in it. However it looked kind of weird too. The texture was somewhat rubbery.

So there you have it, an empty plate! If any of you want to go try some exotic cuts, this place is around 200-300 S and 100 W Downtown Provo. It's pretty good and definitely reasonably priced. Thanks for the challenge Harper, now I got a different taste of life.


  1. Well done. I'll have to try out some new cuts of meats from there. The texture of certain foods is a turn off for me so that stomach one may not get along with my stomach.

  2. I'm so glad you did that man! I thought the tongue was the tastiest part when I tried it. The brain was kind of weird, texture like cheese. And I've had stomach too, but it probably wasn't nearly as good as the kind you had, cuz I didn't like mine.

    Once I tried the eye, that was disgusting. I can tell you more later.

  3. I'm proud of you and partially disgusted at the same time. I had to eat pig liver, kidney, heart, tongue, intestine, blood, etc on my mission in Singapore/Malaysia and now any time someone mentions eating tongue or stomach I just have to politely say no. Glad you like it though! You are a braver soul than I.

  4. Dude, way to mom could never get me to try that stuff while growing up.

  5. James that's quite the taco combo plate. I'm a big fan of Mexican food, tacos especially, but that is a bit extreme for me. Glad to hear you made it through.

  6. A member on my mission ran a Mexican restaurant and let us eat there once a week for free. I always wanted to try the cow tongue burrito but it was a MASSIVE burrito and I was afraid if I didn't like it I would have wasted a lot of food. Those don't look so bad though. I'll have to give this place a try.

  7. Now i know where all the meat that you dont typically eat goes... but way to be!
