
Monday, September 19, 2011

Rut #3-Rob Witt

What struck you as creative?

Of course the massive block of books stood out to me. I also noticed how it was in the same shape as the “Void” piece where it almost could have been taken out of the wall and placed right in the center to highlight the work. I loved how the books were almost in the same form as geological rocks; thinner layers here, thicker layers there, showing a history of words.

What made the pieces creative?

The use of materials to produce the artwork, for example I liked how the artist used actual books, their spines, covers, rulers, and even gift tags and combined them in a unique fashion. The size and shape of the materials also made it creative. There were some pieces that were large and would fill a whole room, and then there were some very tiny smaller then a piece of paper. I also thought using one piece of art to create another made these pieces creative, like after he made the tower of books, the artist then placed a piece of paper over particular spots and used charcoal to shad and highlight those books.

How do you think the authors came up with these ideas?

Going along with the exhibits title, “The Matter of Words”, I think because words are made up of matter the artists then made sculptures to show words/books have structure into all of our lives (particularly the massive piece in the middle). Words are apart of our lives in many ways and so the variety of ways to express ones self with words is never ending. I loved Veda’s Bibles, how she would color code the verses in such a way where only she and God could understand her color-coded communications.


  1. I also like this piece of work, and the thought that only God needs to understand how we mark/highlight our scriptures.

  2. I didnt even notice the thickness varying in the levels of the book structure, its cool to see what everyone notices even looking at the same thing.

  3. Rob, I agree it was a new spin on all the physical things related to books. By far it was my favorite exhibit in the MOA.

  4. Rob, i picture you at the museum getting taken away by the security guards because you tried to climb the 'geologically correct' book tower! great insignts!

  5. Your conclusion probably nailed it. Very good points about the actual meaning of words. I didn't think about it that way at all.
