
Monday, September 5, 2011

Running Man

This may be somewhat of a weak "get out of a rut" experiment, but nevertheless, it was something I had never done before.

I ran five miles non stop. I woke up Saturday morning, and told myself I was going to run five miles. I wouldn't let myself get out of it.

I have been getting more and more into running, and this was the most I have ever run before in my life at one time so it felt really good. It was especially good to know that I could suggest something to myself that I knew would be good for me, and follow through with it.

I ran five miles in 40 minutes, which to some of you may not be that good, but to me it felt great. And I look forward to doing it again!


  1. Good stuff Harper man! Its a good feeling inside to set a physically challenging goal for the day, and then to go out and do it. I always feel a little stronger overcoming the bodies desire to stop when it hurts.

  2. An 8-minute mile is about as good as I've ever run. I am not any kind of expert, but (if you are a speed person) I have heard, especially on longer distances, that if you actually run and walk (say, run 10 minutes and walk for one) during your whole run, you can actually cut down your time as you give your muscles a chance to clear out starches or something like that. Then again, if your goal is to run without stopping... that wouldn't be what you are looking for. Keep it up!

  3. I used to hate running with a passion. After I got back from my mission I went just once to try it and I've never stopped. It feels so good when you go for a long time like that. 40 minutes is good endurance for your first time.

  4. Running helps me clear up my mind as well as I always feel better after I get a run in. I have a hard time of running consistently. Keep it up!

  5. This is probably something a lot of people plan to do and hardly ever do. I know I'm one of those. Thanks for the inspiration!
