
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Wings of Desire - Rut #3

What was your experience like watching a foreign film?

Wow! It was TOTALLY different from any movie I’ve seen before. I didn't expect it to be in another language! I’ve never actually watched an entire film only through sub titles. At first it was a little tiring, but after a while I didn't really notice. It was definitely more artsy, so I think that having the subtitles helped me understand what was going on - maybe even better than if the movie had been in english. The subtitles forced me to be alert the whole movie and to internalize what was happening. 

What were some interesting aspects of the film that were different than the typical American movies you watch?

Wings of Desire was definitely not your typical film. The biggest difference, I would say, was that this movie had a completely different feel than normal movies. Typical movies are straight to the point and the storyline is very obvious. This movie definitely had an underlying concept than you were trying to uncover throughout the movie. It was more slow-paced. To be honest, some of the scenes were completely unnecessary in my opinion. It was also mostly black and white, except for at the end of the movie. It was really hard for me to understand and connect with the characters of the movie - they seemed so distance and not very well developed. It was an interesting experience to see a foreign film, and although this film wasn’t my favorite, I’d be interested to see a different foreign film in the future. 


  1. I felt reading the subtitles to be tedious as well. I feel like a movie should be a movie and not a book. I agree with your sentiment about most of the scenes being unnecessary. It seemed a lot more artsy then american movies.

  2. I agree about the characters of the movie. A lot of the supporting characters weren't developed to their fullest which caused a little disconnect for me.
