
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Trash... Rut exercise #7. Frank

So....I was digging through my trash can and I saw a lot of things that I could make but then I remembered that I had to give my amazing trash art to somebody. That was the part I was worried about most was giving my "art" to somebody. So I decided to make something for a baby in my ward.  It was something that could be torn apart by a babies hand but wouldn't harm them either.
The picture is basically a bunch of plastic pieces put together to make a silly face. the pieces were glued down with non-toxic glue. The eyes are made of cupcake holder wrappers and the nose is made of a plastic lemonade packet. The mouth is made of an old cloth that was used as a decoration on a mason jar. It was all glued down on a paper towel.

When i gave the "art" to the family they were a little taken back like what the freak is this thing but they took as a joke and we had a few good laughs.

This assignment made me pretty observant of what was in my trash can and how I could use it to make something out of it. It really has shown me how much I waste that can be used for other things.

I remember one time I saw a family use shower curtain rings as a toy for a toddler like a key ring. I thought that was so clever and resourceful. I hope that I can be that clever and frugal to come up with those types of ways to keep my future children entertained.

Here is a picture of the baby toy.

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