
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Maddy Thompson - New Food Rut

Like most people in America, McDonald's is the opposite of foreign to me. In high school, my friends and I would sometimes go there three or four times a week after dance practice. Growing up I was really picky and would stick to the same things everywhere I went. If chicken nuggets were on the menu, that was my automatic go-to choice. So, when I was at McDonald's with my friends in high school, I would get fries, Dr. Pepper and chicken nuggets every time. To be honest, I don't even really like the chicken nuggets there. I like the fries, but I feel like I have to get something more substantial than fries if I'm going to eat with friends. Anyway, fast forward several years: present day. I went to McDonald's the other day because my friend wanted a Diet Coke and fries. I sat there looking at the menu wondering if I should get anything. Low and behold, I settled on something - something I have never had ordered before. A Big Mac. I know, it's crazy that i've never had a Big Mac, but this was my chance. It was kind of thrilling - invigorating even. I was about to experience something totally normal for other people, but completely new for me. I got my food and opened the bag. Sidenote - I don't even really like hamburgers, or meat for that matter. This was going to be interesting. I took one bite and it made me feel weird; that's the only way to explain it. So. Much. Meat. That. Felt. So. Fake. I think I liked the taste? But I couldn't get over the fake meat factor. I didn't finish the burger (R.I.P. Big Mac), but I sat and thought after about what just happened.

What I learned: When you go to eat, sometimes it can be fun to get something new and exciting. Almost always if you get something "new" or "exciting" at McDonald's it's potentially freaky. Maybe this makes me boring or un-American. Maybe it makes me smart. Either way, I don't really like McDonald's that much so I don't know why I decided on that Big Mac, but it was a good experience. I think I probably knew I wouldn't like that Big Mac, but i'm proud of myself for trying it out.


  1. Next time you should get the mc double with mac sauce. Its basically the same thing only cheaper and doesn't have an extra piece of bread.

  2. I know what you mean, the fake meat detracts from the overall burger. I make sure to only go the McDonalds when it is absolutely necessary, there are many better hambrger joints out there. Don't give up on hamburgers!

  3. Yeah McDonalds is nasty. I have no idea why anyone would get a big mac over a burger at In n Out... for real though. It's just as cheap and a million times better.

  4. I have to disagree - In n' out is not that much better. If you want to get a good burger, go to Mooyahs. Super great burgers, not too expensive. I agree - Bic Macs or really anything from McDonald's is not good no matter where you go.... Actually I take that back, McDonald's in France is pretty dope, but let's face it - if you're in France, you shouldn't be eating McDonalds.
