
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Brady Edwards, Rut #4

A couple of days back, I went out on a limb and tried the dreaded food, caviar. I've always found the consumption of unborn fish eggs to be a little horrifying and have, thus far, passed on the opportunity. But I found myself sitting at a sushi restaurant with my girlfriend, and remembered the challenge to try something new. I ordered it, I ate it, I had tiny little explosions of strange juice go off inside my mouth, I accepted it.
   It wasn't fantastic, but it wasn't the big drummed up thing I'd made it out to be in my head. Often, I find that the bigger issue is more of getting around the big, bad thing my mind has conceived. I don't know what it is about people or why we assume the worst and catastrophize everything, but it's something I seem to have done for caviar. I thought I'd throw up, or at least hate fish for a good while. But nothing happened. I ate it. I moved on.
     I've learned that I probably need to be doing more new things, as I apparently have more reservations about it than I than I expected to. Though I can't say I've drastically changed in any particular way, I can say that trying new things is something I've been meaning to do. Maybe this will be a step in the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. You're so fancy eating caviar, was it on your date to Provo Beach Resort??
