
Monday, March 4, 2013

Finding #8 April Baker

I think somewhere in this crazy mess of finding I missed posting, but I'm not sure. To be safe though I'll just throw one up here, I mean another finding can't hurt right?

Sorry I can't just post the picture on here but I guess it's just not going to work that way. This is a series of posters that are visual tributes to scientists. The posters use what they are most famous for in the spelling of their names. I think it's pretty cool.


  1. I'm always so confused what finding and rut we are on! I feel like I should throw five up just to make sure that I did them!

  2. Copernicus is my favorite. :)

    Btw, the last rut (the bus) was rut 7. Find 9 will be due next Thurs.
