
Monday, January 25, 2016

RUT #2 - Anthon Chase Johnson

So, my original idea was to go to the police station and see if they would let me spend the night in Jail. Definitely something that scared me. So, I'm walking down to the police station on Friday night and then I see this other thing.

Rainbows  exploding out of a bar with a sign in the front saying "Gay Night". So, I knew my plans had changed and that I had to go in. So, I went in with the idea that I would make some friends even though I'm not gay. That's exactly what I did. Made some friends. But it was also a Drag Show, so there were a lot of transgender people there. So, I made friends with one of them, got introduced to the rest of them and then picked their brains. They were very kind and answered my questions about coming out, the difficulties of being gay/transgender, what it is like to live in provo, the church, God, finding work and so on.

It was fascinating and I was exposed to a community I had little knowledge about. Now I understand them a little better and the intense pain that a lot of them have had to go through.


  1. Although I like the original idea of spending a night in jail, I think what you actually did was really cool and super unique! When I was on my mission I had a couple friends who didn't go on missions and who eventually left the church because they came out. I have a lot of respect for people who struggle with being gay just because I know a lot of my friends are. Very interesting post and I'd be interested in hearing more about what they had to say.

  2. Hahaha this made me laugh. I admire your spontaneity, not even thinking twice. And the opportunity to ask questions and find out more, what a cool experience. I also would like to know more about their responses.

  3. I really enjoyed this post and that you were willing to have an open mind and you sought to understand the struggles this community goes through.
