
Monday, October 31, 2011

UTA Bus ride

The first thing that impressed me was how clean the buses actually were. I always pictured them having nasty seats like the ones from a bus I rode in New York.  The only people talking on my bus were two girls and they were speaking an Asian language so I couldn't understand anything. Everybody else was dead silent.

The only negative experience I had was that I had a hard time figuring out the schedule and ended up waiting for more than ten minutes outside in the cold. That was probably the only real negative thing and I wouldn't mind riding the bus once it starts snowing so that I don't have to walk in the crazy cold.


  1. I had the same experience about standing in the have to plan these rides just right.

  2. Unfortunately that is typical when you ride public transportation. A 10 minute wait is not bad at all.

  3. You know, I think their schedules and stuff all need to be put in sync again. That's probably the most frustrating part about UTA for me.

  4. UTA does a good job of keeping their buses clean, which is appealing. I agree with David, a 10 min wait usually isn't that bad at all.

  5. I've never waited ten minutes for anything my entire life. Sounds terrible.

  6. Waiting is the worst part of public transit. Ten minutes isn't too bad. Sometimes it can be upwards of 20-30 minutes. They are super clean though, and it certainly beats walking, especially when it's cold.
