
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Wings of Desire - Timmy Bates

This was my first time at the international cinema but not my first time watching a foreign film. I have seen Wings of Desire before and enjoyed it just as much, if not more, than when I first saw it. Understand that I love movies, and I love Hollywood films with explosions and fighting and big name actors etc. I don't pretend to be someone that loves everything that is put on film, some films I think are boring and simply not for me. However, that does not mean that I think they are worthless. I recently took an Art history class and it was probably the most difficult class I have taken at BYU. Not only because the professor was insane, but because I am not that interested in art. I simply don’t understand it. But I recognize that the artist had a vision, a goal in mind and put forth the work to achieve that vision. That is not worthless. The same goes for film.

A lot of Wings of Desire went far beyond my understanding, but what I did understand has made me a better person for it. Life is precious, wonderful, colorful, yet sad and difficult at times. But always worth it. As cheesy as it may sound, for me Wings of Desire touches on eternal truths. That we have friends and family surrounding us across the veil aiding and sustaining us in any way they can. That Christ wants us to become as children, innocent, enthusiastic, and loyal. That we came to this life to gain experience, because there is no substitute for experience. I came out of Wings of Desire with a renewed appreciation for life, but also with a slight headache because there were so many things that I didn’t understand but want to understand. Like this quote from Homer, the aged poet: “what is wrong with peace that its inspiration doesn’t endure?” Mind boggling.


  1. I like what you said about experience. The film had a great point that no you can know everything there is to know about the human experience, but it doesn't compare to actually living it.

  2. I know what you mean, about the eternal truth. Everyone thinks that being an angel will be well...angelic. This movie portrays a much different idea.
