This website is just a nice collection of creative advertisements in all mediums from around the world:
Examples of print ads found there in just a couple of minutes include:
Enjoy! (I'm rather partial to the battlesheep myself.)
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Finding Stuff--Laura Coalwell
I'm always inspired by ads that have really powerful copy in voice overs. Sometimes that can be cheesy, but I like this one a lot.
I thought this video was fitting since Veteran's Day was last week.
Go Army.
Last Finding--Boo!-Summer Holm
So we all love a good google doc right? Well i found the coolest one on earth that has 120 slides that are divided up by the most creative innovations in Music, Videos, Vizuals, art, physical, light, tech, politics, sports, books, history and Advertising. Basically it has something for everyone, or everything for someone. You could spend hours looking through all of the stuff they has found and put on this site. below are some examples of what it has to offer.
So when that creative canteen of yours is low, or you need a mental break or just want to waste time... Seriously go to this link.....Its calling and you should answer.
This is where Buzz Lightyear keeps his soft drinks cold- kristen
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
sadly my last finding stuff for this blog- Elise Meservy
Too bad my elementary school music teacher wasn't so inspiring and since then I never had the desire to be in an sort of choir. If only I had this school's choir teacher. Now that's creativity, enthusiasm, and a brilliant/passionate teacher.
Enjoy only the best elementary school choir ever.
ps check out that kid drummer. legit.
and this is because I found yet another kindle ad which stole my heart. love it and I think it might have changed my negative opinion about kindles. hope it inspires you for your ikea campaigns.
Enjoy only the best elementary school choir ever.
ps check out that kid drummer. legit.
and this is because I found yet another kindle ad which stole my heart. love it and I think it might have changed my negative opinion about kindles. hope it inspires you for your ikea campaigns.
Tyler Nelson Finding 12
Last Finding
Sorry to bore you with more skateboarding, but I couldn't help myself... it's the last finding. This clip is really clever I think.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Finding 11-Abby Young
I'm all about creative canvases.
This UK artist, Nick Gentry, paints portraits on old, recycled floppy disks.
I love how he has incorporated some of the features on the disks into the actual paintings, such as the silver circles as eyes.
This UK artist, Nick Gentry, paints portraits on old, recycled floppy disks.
I love how he has incorporated some of the features on the disks into the actual paintings, such as the silver circles as eyes.
Finding 11
Click here
Try this lady's thoughts on for change:
-stories are just statistics with a soul
-connections breathe meaning into life
-shame is the fear of disconnection
-in order for real connections, we have to be seen for who we really are (be vulnerable)
-those who have a strong sense of love and belonging believe they are worthy of love and belonging. That's the only thing that separates them from the shameful.
And thus she continues.
But what does this have to do with creativity? Do you have a strong sense of creative ability? If not, what do you think separates you from those who do? What other implications does this woman's lecture have on creativity? On life?
Try this lady's thoughts on for change:
-stories are just statistics with a soul
-connections breathe meaning into life
-shame is the fear of disconnection
-in order for real connections, we have to be seen for who we really are (be vulnerable)
-those who have a strong sense of love and belonging believe they are worthy of love and belonging. That's the only thing that separates them from the shameful.
And thus she continues.
But what does this have to do with creativity? Do you have a strong sense of creative ability? If not, what do you think separates you from those who do? What other implications does this woman's lecture have on creativity? On life?
Finding Stuff--Laura Coalwell
Andrew Tiu showed this to me.
Talk about creative food.
Makes me wish I worked in Portland right now and could go get one.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Findings 11- Summer Holm
This is my new favorite video about Hipsters.... seriously this girl is so funny...
Here is Street Performing at its best!
Short Films - (finding 11 - Elise Meservy)
I like short films and short stories. Here are two I have stumbled upon this last week.
and a little bit longer of one (but still creative).
I cannot wait to see Cutri's film tomorrow in class!
Postcards From Italy from ForYouLoveMe on Vimeo.
and a little bit longer of one (but still creative).
I cannot wait to see Cutri's film tomorrow in class!
Finding #12?-Kylie Cox
this is a baby annoucenement. the first picture it the final product, the first is what it looks like in the envelope.
i likey. babies+graphic design+cool=love.
i likey. babies+graphic design+cool=love.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Finding 11
This is the coolest ad I've seen lately. Don't know when it's from but it's obviously timeless.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Finding (again) Now Kobe and Kimmel in a sweet XBOX ad.
Am I the only one that thinks this ad is cool?
Thursday, November 4, 2010
make some ghetto classy shoes yall
if you don't laugh while watching this you need to work on your sense of humor
Tyler Nelson Finding #10
This is a great commercial. I think that it is a very clever idea. I also love the king.
Finding--Laura Coalwell--Oh hey watch this video
Soo...this is my shameless plug telling you all to vote for Tipping Bucket today.
Start here
Vote all 3 ways.
Check off your good deed for the day.
Brag about it to all your friends and tell them to vote, too!
This is why I do advertising. This is the kind of stuff that keeps my blood running and my feet moving even when I'm running on little to no sleep.
Finding #10: Emily Jacobsen: Packaging Makes the Product
A product's packaging is advertising. I probably would buy these products just because their packaging bought me. Check them out!
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